Immediately after midterms this semester, I put this list together. I wrote it and left it as a draft in my folder, forgetting all about it. Tonight, I came across it again. So before the semester is up – and as a timely nod to final exams – I present my own mini Midterm Awards!
The award for
Best Answer goes to . . .
The student on the Finance exam whose full answer to the candy tiaras problem was simply, “Are you kidding me?!”
(Note: This question took most first-years anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes to solve.)The award for
Most Redundant Request goes to . . .
It’s a tie!
The student in the Monday night Finance review session who interrupted the TA to ask him if he could do an example of the example he was already doing.
one Finance question that asked us to calculate the NPV of a growing annuity
three times and an annuity
The award for
Most Annoying TA goes to . . .
The TA in the Sunday night Econ review session whose answer to almost every problem was, “Does everyone see that? Good.” Or, loosely translated based on tone, “This is really easy. Do you see how smart I am?”
Actually, this describes almost every TA. So you’re all winners!
The award for
Best Clarifying Question goes to . . .
The student who asked the Finance TAs during the exam to clarify how long college lasted, which prompted one of the TAs to walk into every exam room and write on the board, “College = 4 years.”
The award for
Most Difficult Exam goes to . . .
Finance! Professor Cohen made this exam several times more difficult than the one that first-years were given last year, even though he assured us that this year’s exam would be easier. Congratulations on your award, Professor! Now all you have to do is make sure that first-years never find out what kind of car you drive. . . . Just kidding! We all know you’re not old enough to drive.