Thursday, December 08, 2005

Good News

I landed my first interview today. I'm very excited, in part because it was the first resume I sent out, which bodes well, I hope. I'm also pleased because I got the interview in spite of a cover letter that wasn't particularly great. (I am not a fan of cover letters so it's nice to know that my experience matters more to this company than some anachronism.)

I've only applied for five internships so far, and all within the last week. I won't hear anything from the other companies until early next month.

My mock interview didn't go so well. The interviewer gave me a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10, which is entirely justified. I stunk. To be fair, I had no idea what I would be "interviewing" for when I went in; and I was going off three hours of sleep. But I did get a lot of great advice on how to improve. Now I just need to practice before the REAL interviewing begins.

Some non-internship related good news: I turn in my last assignment for 2005 tomorrow morning. Then, all I have to do is study for - and take! - my exams. My MBA career is nearly 1/4 complete. While I love it here, I miss the real world. You know, the one where you actually have time to do the things that you enjoy. The one where you can pick up the phone and call someone without feeling guilty about all of the studying that you're not doing. The one where you get a paycheck every couple weeks. LOL.

KV - Yes! Let's try to meet up while you're in the Bay Area. I'll send you an email with my contact info.


Blogger Paa"ji" said...

Congrats on the interview.... definately more are comming soon....keep shooting

Saturday, December 10, 2005 6:16:00 PM  

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