Sunday, May 29, 2005


Isn’t it strange? One minute, you’re in a rut. The next, your whole life has changed.

Three weeks ago, I was a gainfully employed professional with hopes of going to business school and the “other half” of a successful relationship. Life was routine, even boring. Today, I am trying to decide when I want my last day in the office to be so that I can move to the east coast to become a student again – without my partner of the last five years, from whom I have separated.

So much has happened in such a short time, it’s almost surreal. The acceptance, the scholarship, the separation (painful but necessary when certain information about my partner was brought to my attention - in the most unusual of ways, I might add), the extra money that came out of no where yesterday. Everything in a neat little sequence. Too perfectly timed to be coincidence.

This may sound ridiculous, but I feel as though there’s a hand on my back, pushing me toward something. It's giving me every reason to go - including the means - and no reason to stay.

I'm not fatalistic, but recent events have made me question how much control I really have.


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