Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Efficient Frontier & Other News

Last week in Finance, we covered the "efficient frontier," how to get a more accurate rate of return for individual stocks, and the CAPM. Our professor is amazing. He doesn't really lecture so much as tell a story. Every now and then, I'll take me eyes off the prof and look around the room to find my classmates on the edge of their seats. We hang on his every word, waiting for the next major revelation, as if at any moment he's going to hand us the keys to the kingdom. I got so excited when he finally taught us how to determine alpha that I needed a cigarette afterword. Yeah, it was that good.

In other news, "Dr. Bad" was at it again this week. Some of us received a letter in our inboxes that singled us out for "displays of inappropriate behavior." The funniest was,

At Thursday's "Happy Hour" a student was inebriated to the point of vomiting in the school building. That same night, corporate recruiters complained to the CDO that drunken students entered a presentation and took food.

Unfortunately, first years now automatically assume that such ridiculous requests/comments/accusations must be the work of Dr. Bad. I can't imagine that anything short of a felony will manage to get our attention at this point. So maybe second-years should stop wasting their time. Hint. Hint.

Next week . . . Thanksgiving break and The Game between Harvard and Yale. Apparently, the drinking starts at 9 a.m. and goes until you pass out. Look for me on TV, as I do plan on stumbling into the stadium at some point. If you see a guy with a "Y" on his face getting belligerent with Harvard fans, then you will probably have seen me! (I find it very easy to fall into the mob mentality. And I turn into a real smart-ass when I get drunk. Trouble, here I come!!!)

On a personal note, I've been listening to ELO non-stop over the last few days. I have no explanation for it, but to say that music in this country has more or less sucked over the last couple years or so and the time has come for a really awesome band to come along. "Dont' bring me doooooooooooown, BRRRRRRRRUCE!"


Blogger Keven said...

One word.


Saturday, November 12, 2005 8:09:00 PM  
Blogger Paa"ji" said...

Will keep looking for the "Y" face... and maybe am able to provide some clues to the investigators after the riot
:-) LOL

Sunday, November 13, 2005 12:41:00 PM  
Blogger Jerry Blank said...

Keven - Yes, I like Interpol. But I want more great bands. Remember the mid-nineties. What the hell happened to music?!

Paa"ji" - No rioting. LOL. Just a little badgering, heckling, etc.

lcpwarrior - Thanks. Just starting to read your blog. Me likey.

tizzerboy - Just visited your blog. I know you just got started, but I would encourage you to keep going with it. I think you'll be glad that you did.

Friday, November 18, 2005 11:49:00 PM  

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