Monday, November 27, 2006

Spring Electives

Second-years just got information on bidding for spring electives and it appears that first-years get priority for electives taking place on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s between 1 p.m. and 2:20 p.m. This wouldn’t be a problem if THREE OF THE CLASSES I WANTED TO TAKE WEREN’T BEING OFFERED DURING THIS TIME!

Once again, second-years are forced to do more with less.

Maybe first-years shouldn’t be allowed to pick which electives they want to take. Maybe the faculty should produce electives specifically for first-years. I have a few in mind:

Tool Management 585: Fronting
Why bragging about your daddy’s Black Card is tacky.

Tool Management 886: Your Image and Money
Why mentioning in class that you drop $1,000 on dinner makes you look like a tool.

Tool Management 887/Blog Ethics 500: Theft
Why stealing content from someone else’s blog is unethical. (Here that, MBA Gladiator?)

Tool Management 888: Traditions
Why creating lame traditions is . . . well . . . lame. The case of Dr. Good will be examined.

Wanker Studies 554: Exams
Why complaining about three exams (when the class before you had five) makes you a wanker.

Wanker Studies 555: Workload
Why complaining about your light workload makes you a wanker.

Wanker Studies 556/French 100: Friday Classes
Le sob. Le boo-hoo. Why complaining about Friday make-up classes makes you a wanker. In French!


Blogger brownoski said...

don't hate the playa, hate the game! j/k It sucks second years are getting shafted, but at least you already have your job lined up and can cruise the rest of the year! I'm not bidding for any popular classes, so if I can transfer any bid points, lemme know!

Monday, November 27, 2006 2:02:00 PM  
Blogger mbagladiator said...

wow... my first shout-out in the legendary flatpoint blog and its a jab. If its the Yale SOM logo you're referring to that I grabbed from your blog, guilty as charged. I assumed it was something that you grabbed from Yale's website, but if its an original creation and you'd like me to take it down I'll be happy to do so.

Monday, November 27, 2006 9:02:00 PM  
Blogger Continental Drift said...

Funny post. Seriously, are there a lot of tools and wankers at the SOM? I thought those types self-select themselves to attend Wharton!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 7:50:00 AM  
Blogger kpmg said...

harsh yet funny

do people really boast about $1,000 dinners?

that's a damn waste of money :(

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:01:00 PM  
Blogger Jerry Blank said...

Thanks, brownoski.

MBA Gladiator. I'm not referring to the Yale logo (although I did use Photoshop to edit the full version of the school's new logo to come up with the one on my blog). I'm referring to your PUNK'D post. It just seemed a little TOO similar to my own post on the subject a year earlier. Cool if you want to say that your class got Punk'd, but your readers should know that you read my post on the subject prior to writing your own and that maybe connecting the prank to the TV show wasn't necessarily original to you.

continential drift: Nah. There aren't a lot of tools and wankers at SOM. Just a few, which makes them stand out more.

wannabe: Word.

Saturday, December 02, 2006 8:38:00 PM  
Blogger mbagladiator said...

flatpoint - thanks for clearing up the source of your irritation. i was wondering why the logo was such a big deal (now removed from my blog btw) but now i see it was something else. Truthfully, i don't recall reading your post before composing my entry back in September and the term "Punk'd" was definitely a gut reaction that I had when I discovered that it was all a prank, but I would understand why you're vexed if you thought I lifted that term from your entry.

I don't particularly enjoy being lumped together with the "$1,000 dinner incident" but by all means keep up the honest entries as you were my inspiration to start blogging about my SOM experience.

Peace out.

Saturday, December 02, 2006 11:54:00 PM  

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